Diana Buttu speaks with two incredible Palestinian disciplinary artists, Emily Jacir and Nicolas Jaar. Emily is an award-winning artist who works in several genres including, film, photography, sculpture, interventions, archiving, performance, video, writing, and sound. In addition to being an artist, Emily has been actively involved in education in Palestine for more than 20 years. Nicolas Jaar is Palestinian-Chilean DJ and multi-disciplinary resident artist at Dar Jacir who has been holding workshops in Dar Jacir since 2018. Most recently, Nicolas Jaar taught a workshop titled “(un)building listenings” an introductory study group on how to use audio editing software to (un)build stories for visual art. Diana speaks to them about the history of the home, Dar Jacir, the projects held there and how the home itself has created a space of inspiration, safeness, and creativity within the Palestinian arts.
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